Monday, 28 September 2009

Towards an Eco-friendly attitude to our daily life.

Needless for me to say, everyone of us had to do a part in helping to reduce earth energy and resources. I believe we always can incorporate Eco-ness in whatever we do. Regardless of craft or art, in works, studies, or anything we do.

I believe we human should change, nature survive the same 5 billion years ago, and humans are the ones who is going to use up all its resource in 50 years (An Inconvenient Truth, see trailer).
We must change our lifestyle, everyone. Things like spending too much time on the computer is also wasting energy and resources too. Used adequate amount of water while doing your beauty foot therapy or whatever. etc etc... by doing those, not only you can help slow the process of dying earth, you save money, and it can be good for your health too.

I do not mean we go back to prehistorical times, nor living with candles or fire torches. IN FACT, to put it simply, the earth is doom anyway. Greenhouse effects, climate changes, it had been there since earth history, but no way we can go back to the amount of resources we had.. for 100? 200? years ago. I did not say we can save the earth, I'm asking to slow down the process. We need to think about it.

Anyway, there are tons of eco friendly products out there.
And I found this innovative pizza box design by :

A commerical by WWF (World Wildlife Fund) about the enviroment:

Well, be responsible in whatever we do. Because this world can be awesome!:

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