Friday, 9 October 2009

Caprice 24

After the Baroque and going toward the Rococo period in the western society, Arts had very much already at its peak and there had been many diversity in what art is and is what.
The west had very much claim the advance in Fine Arts, Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Gold & Silver smiting, Literature, Philosophy, and many more. One that I want to mention is MUSIC. Music skills and accomplishment had also followed the visual arts period in their own rights too.

Niccolo Paganini is one musician that I want to introduce to everybody today for those who really dunno much about music. The following video is a famous piece for solo violin that is composed by Paganini. It actually comprise of 24 different piece for an individual to play, each with different skill level for different techniques. They are known as "24 Caprices for Solo Violin" This one, called Caprice 24 in A minor is the most well known, and the most difficult to be played even for many accomplished musician. To handle this piece well and perfect is no easy task, as its one of the most difficult piece for solo violinist.

This is played by one of 20th century most greatest violinist, Jascha Heifetz.

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